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Consider how much more often you suffer from your anger and grief than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved.

— Marcus Aurelius  <link>

The Greeks tell the story of the minotaur, the bull-headed flesh eating man who lived in the center of the labyrinth. He was a threatening beast, and yet his name was Asterion-Star. I often think of this paradox as I sit with someone with tears in her eyes, searching for some way to deal with a death, a divorce, or a depression. It is a beast, this thing that stirs in the core of her being, but it is also the star of her innermost nature.

— Thomas More, Care of the Soul  <link>

Grief Work

“Grief work” [is] holding the mystery of pain and looking right at it and learning deeply from it.

— Richard Rohr, Things Hidden  <link>