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When one tugs on a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.

— John Muir (via)  <link>

The Greeks tell the story of the minotaur, the bull-headed flesh eating man who lived in the center of the labyrinth. He was a threatening beast, and yet his name was Asterion-Star. I often think of this paradox as I sit with someone with tears in her eyes, searching for some way to deal with a death, a divorce, or a depression. It is a beast, this thing that stirs in the core of her being, but it is also the star of her innermost nature.

— Thomas More, Care of the Soul  <link>

Not in God’s wilds will you ever hear the sad moan, “All is vanity.” No, we are paid a thousand times for all our toil, and after a single day spent outdoors in their atmosphere of strength and beauty, one could still say, should death come—even without any hope of another life—“Thank you for this most glorious gift!” and pass on.

— John Muir  <link>