··· Tags pointing to: words ···

Draw persons to God by your words, by your example, and by the works of Mercy.

— Catherine McAuley  <link>

Your words will tell others what you think. Your actions will tell them what you believe.

— T.D. Jakes, via Twitter  <link>

Remember that every single word you say to someone will either curse them or bless them.

— Mother Antonia (Mary Clarke) (via)  <link>

The Bible will not make transformation dependent on cleverness at all, but in one of God’s favorite and most effective hiding places—humility.

— Richard Rohr, Things Hidden  <link>

Overexplanation separates us from astonishment.

— Eugene Ionesco  <link>

What the artist wishes to do—as far as you are concerned—is to take you out of yourself. As far as he is concerned, he wishes to express himself.

— Ford Madox Ford  <link>

Only two classes of books are of universal appeal: the very best and the very worst.

— Ford Madox Ford  <link>

But if you don’t write of things deep in your own heart,
What’s the use of churning out so many words?

— Ryokan  <link>

Actually one decides one’s life by responding to a word that is not well defined, easily explicable, safely accounted for. One decides to love in the face of an unaccountable void, and from the void comes an unaccountable truth. By this truth one’s existence is sustained in peace—until the truth is too firmly grasped and too clearly accounted for. Then one is relying on words—i.e., on his own understanding and his own ingenuity in interpreting existence and its “signs.” Then one is lost—has to be found once again in the patient Void.

— Thomas Merton, Learning to Love  <link>

Silence is the limit of our world of description or language. Silence is silence and completely different from any kind of language.

— S.N. Ganguly  <link>

When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it’s really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.

— Author unknown, quoted by Randy Pausch in The Last Lecture  <link>

The stars sing an anthem of glory
     I cannot put into speech.

— Robert William Service  <link>